Unns - The Captivation
By Sapan Saxena
Publisher- Inspire India
Atharva Rathor and Meher Qasim.
Love birds since adolescene. Bonded by love, separated by circumstances. They part ways only to meet again. But this time, he is on a secret mission...
Are they in control of their own destiny, or is it their destiny which is making them dance to it's tunes? Only time would answer as Atharva and Meher unwillingly and unknowingly transcend the seven stages of love.
A quintessential tale of love and romance marked beautifully by its own rustic
old school charm.
Atharva and Meher, two school students, yet to interact with each other, falls into a healthy argument at their first meeting only. Atharva's friend Rachit, also a best friend of Meher, tells her that he likes her. Talks between both of them start increasing and soon, they become good friends. And in no time, they fall in love with each other and get into a relationship with each other. But a relationship doesn't require love to grow; society, the family also interrupts in between. Same happens with Meher, her mother gets to know about her relationship and soon they finish up everything. But destiny has other plans for them, they meet after 15 years once again but at a different place with a different situation. I don't want to be a spoiler now. Read more to know about the journey of Atharva and Meher.
Book Cover & Title- Cover of the book is sweet, simple and loving. It has a couple, walking in rain, under an umberalla. It is an attractive cover. Title of the cover- UNNS meaning love is an appropriate title.
Narration, Editing, and Language- No grammatical mistakes and editing error.
My Review- I liked the starting of the story. Old school romance. I felt that it was unrealistic in the middle of the story. But then story has twist until the end. Overall, it was a nice story.
1) Dedication of Atharva
1) Meher.
Book Cover - 4/5
Editing - 4/5/5
Blurb - 3.5/5
Book Quality (Typing, Word Setting, Fonts) - 4/5
Story - 4/5
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