Chit-Chat with Ruchi Chopra (Contributing Author of 31 Sins, Her Story and Blank Space)

Let's meet one of the contributing author of 31 Sins, Her story and Blank Space.

Pavitr-- Introduce yourself to your readers and us?

Ruchi-- I am a homemaker by choice and an avid blogger and freelance writer by passion. I have worked previously with the reputed Broadcasting media groups & Print media also for a while. I have been volunteering for the American Red Cross nowadays, a kind courtesy for the community sharing & giveback. I am smitten with Music; Books; Movies; Nature and Photography bug.Being a complete foodie I love extensive travel especially adventurous road trips. The most memorable one being the trip alongside the coast of Sonoma County beautiful coastline wherein we covered 750 miles via road trekking along the California State beautiful cities like, Fort Bragg, Sonoma County, Fort Ross, Mendocino County, Redwoods Forest last summers. And last but not least penning down poetry is my passion and craving for verses gets satiated only when I pick something to read daily be it any book, magazine, blog or news.

Pavitr-- What are your hobbies and what do you do in your leisure time?

Ruchi--My hobbies includes talking long Nature Walks; listening to music mostly old Hindi songs & Hollywood favorites playlist from my college days, which mostly comprises hip-hop, R&B & few soulful songs. I also love Rumi Poetries dedications and Sufi songs. I love reading books of any genre that excite me at that moment to pick the book and learn something from that literary voyage. During my leisure time I try to involve myself with my kids recreational activities & Hobbies. 

Pavitr-- Who inspired you to write for anthology?

Ruchi--My mother & my hubby are my biggest inspiration and enthusiasts. My mom had shared link for my first published anthology- “Her Story: Is not Always a story” anthology contest and she kept reminding me to submit my poetry and story for the contest. I was reluctant but gave it a try, thankfully  . And with that first step I have embarked on my publication journey, as it’s my second inning after I took 4 years break from the Media buzzing world.

Pavitr-- What was your motive behind your writing and your words?

Ruchi--My motivation to write my words or story is always life and it's Choices and Challenges. Life is how we see it and envision-- it is my sole inspiration most of the time.   

Pavitr-- Have you ever thought to publish a solo novel of your own?

Ruchi--Yes I am planning to write my solo debut novel. Let's see how it's goes. Wish me Good luck.  

Pavitr-- Can you just give a brief description about your story in the 31 Sins?

Ruchi-- My story “Echo” in the book -31 sins revolved around the issue of global warming and its repercussions in the long run. I have weaved a fairy tale story with two central characters- a busy Mom telling a fairy tale to her young daughter who wish to know more about planet earth boo boo (wound) inflicted on Mother’s Earth soul by our wrong choices & negligence towards our responsibility for the better future.

Pavitr-- Is this story of yours in 31 sins a self-experience or totally fiction one?

Ruchi-- My younger daughter has particular affection for the Band-Aid, which she relates with boo, boo (wounds). So I have tried my best to weaved this sweet analogy with a strong message in the form of fairy tale for the healed Planet Earth, which is wounded with our wrong choices in the form of Global Warming. Hope this story will win my readers hearts.

Pavitr-- We all know that the story somehow relates to the life of the author. How did it relate to yours?

Ruchi-- This particular story has innocent inspirational hues taken from my younger  daughter who is now 4 years old. She has this cute analogy to relate boo boo (wound) with Band-Aid. So I used this analogy in my story “Echo” also.

Pavitr-- What was your feeling when you saw your name on the black and white?

Ruchi-- I was ecstatic when I first heard that I have been selected for the anthology “Her story” contest. When I hold the book in my hands and saw the name on the back cover page, my story and my author introduction, I was indeed on cloud nine that day. As its my first step towards book publishing. I hailed from the background of Broadcasting media and Print media. So I have been published already with many magazines and newspapers with my contributing articles, editorials and special reports so far. My first article was published almost 17 years back in the youth section of the reputed English daily newspaper. But the feeling is same every time as I take one step ahead from that stepping stone. It's indeed a fulfilling feeling.

Pavitr-- What was your family and friends reaction when they came to know about this thing?

Ruchi— I am truly blessed to have supporting family and friends. Everyone was happy for my achievement like always and my adorable kids were happy and telling their schoolmates and teachers about their mom getting published in a book. It indeed gives me motivation and zeal to keep moving and believe in my passion.

Pavitr-- Do you want to dedicate this story to anyone? If yes, then to whom?

Ruchi-- I wish to dedicate this story to our young generation with hopes and will to make the much-needed changes for our Planet Earth. Let's heal Mother Earth together by being good role model for our kids.

Pavitr-- At last give a message to the readers and inspires us all with your words?

Ruchi—As I am ardent lover of Rumi’s literary works, I will share one beautiful yet inspiring quote—
“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don’t. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.” 
Cheers!   

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